God used a witch’s coven to launch my Christian ministry.
I own a marketing company called Willow Graphix & Co. In July 2022, I was approached by a local business owner to design a website. After researching the business, I discovered the owner identified themselves as a witch, was raised in a coven, and had a family history in the occult.
But this is not the issue. The issue was their buisiness sold witchcraft paraphernalia. So, not wanting to use the creative gifts God blessed me with to promote the occult, I appreciatively declined the job opportunity. In my email, I stated I was a Christian and that my company was a faith-based company; I felt our businesses were not a good fit and wished her well as a person.
I believe, as a Christian, I should not use my gifts to promote witchcraft. I took a stand as a Christian and said no.
She was mad and IT WENT VIRAL!!
The owner of the shop posted a screenshot of my email on her social media and took a victim’s stance in her comment.
The immediate, online attack was horrific! Thousands of people interacted, threatening my business, harassing me personally, and bombarding both my personal and professional social platforms with blasphemous comments that do not bear repeating. Threats were made to picket the front of my company, demands were made to boycott my company along and any other businesses that supported my company, predicting my company’s demise. The incident ended up in the news, which thankfully gave me the opportunity to “state my case,” and in turn exposing the truth of the matter.
At the time, I was STRESSED!! The daily hate messages I received were incredibly challenging. The blasphemy was grotesque. The worry about my company’s survival, the stress my staff experienced, *the jobs that were canceled, the lost clients, the gossip… it was all an ugly, ugly mess.
Thankfully, I also received encouragement and prayers from many fellow believers and friends.
AND!! God was so faithful; He carried me and my company through the line of fire onto the other side victoriously!! He gave me the strength to remain silent while the evil tongues of the enemy accosted me from every direction.
One wise friend, through her encouragement, shared with me that I was now part of an elite group of Christians who were prosecuted for their faith in Christ, and it lit a fire in my soul and spirit.
Drawing that line in the sand, changed me. Making a public declaration that, at any cost, I would put God first and serve Him, ignited a spiritual explosion inside of me that is still burning today.
My voice - BOLDER.
My person - EMPOWERED.
My eyes of understanding - OPENED.
My witness - COURAGEOUS.
God then used that incident to empower me with a strength I cannot claim as my own. After surviving that attack and all the hatred that followed it, I then had the courage and boldness to share my story without fear of ridicule and judgment. Courage to launch my new ministry, www.tellingmystory.ca.
What was once a story buried in shame, hidden from fear of judgment, has become a story of His greatness!
I am now proud to show people what God has done with the mess I have made. I am eager to show people how much God loves this imperfect me.
Time and time again in my life, God has taken what the enemy meant for evil and turned it into something beautiful for good.
AND!! If God will do all of these incredible things for me, He will surely do the same for you.
God has that power. He is not defeated by the enemy.
God used the enemy's plan to “take down” a Christian company and used it to launch a Christian ministry ministering to women across the world.
My friends, we need not worry when we take a stand for God, His plans far outweigh anything we could ever imagine.
His power far outweighs any scheme the enemy might ploy against us, and His strength will carry us through any battle.
"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore, put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and, after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”
Ephesians 6: 10-17
Praise be to God, the ALMIGHTY ONE!
Praise His holy name!
Blessings ♥
*Today my company is thriving! Any clients that were lost during the attack were immediately replaced by new ones. Financially, the year of the attack was my busiest year yet! PTL!